Senior Project Scientist in Modelling all aspects of free surface Environmental Hydraulics.

About Me

With more than 20 years of experience overseas in renown hydraulics laboratories and international consulting groups, I have developed a wide range of expertise in the field of hydraulics: wave prediction and wave transformation modelling, wave agitation modelling, metocean studies, sediment transport studies, tidal resource assessment, dispersion studies, environmental hydraulics…

I have participated in high-profile studies like the comprehensive hydrodynamic and sediment transport study of the Petitcodiac River and Estuary (Canada); the comprehensive hydrodynamic and plume dispersion modelling study of Darwin Harbour and approaches (Australia); the development of SMARTtide, a high-resolution model of the continental shelf around the UK, for The Energy Technologies Institute (England); the “State of the Nation” NaFRA 2014 project for the UK Environment Agency (England); a metocean study for a large LNG project in southern Africa; and, more recently, the development of a pilot forecast system for tides and waves prediction (Ireland).

I’m now starting a new chapter in my career with a PhD thesis to better our understanding of the dynamics of marine dunes, and their interaction with OWF. An exciting and challenging project, and one that will allow me to participate in the effort on renewable energies! Stay tuned for more…

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